Saturday, March 19, 2011

Are we tired of pears yet?

Well, here's a few more still life studies. These pears got quite a workout. I finally had to retire them. As far as fruit goes, they lasted me a long time. I suppose I could have named them, though I didn't treat them very well. I had a few rolling off the counter incidents! LOL! Here's a few basic step by steps. Sketch it out, block it in, then refine with the details. Happy painting!!!


  1. I wish i could paint like this!

  2. Thank you both! I'm really loving doing these still lifes.

  3. You make it look so easy. I can't draw that's why I stamp, lol. Gorgeous!!

  4. Thank you! I can't draw either! That's why I paint! LOL!

  5. Stillife studies from real pears! The best way to train your eye to draw better. Your studies are wonderful!

  6. I think you did a fine job with them.
    Did you name the fruit flies?
    That's what usually happens with my still life pears :D
