Sunday, January 2, 2011

Greetings from the Sunshine State!!!

80 degrees yesterday, nearly 80 today. I took a few days off painting and got settled in. (Translation...I hung out in the sun!!). Today was my first day to paint. This is one of the Bob Ross Paintings I worked on and thought I would share it. It's my first attempt at this particular painting and is only a section of it. Those of you in Kentucky may see this as one of my classes this year. I've got a ton of reference material and plan on working on some new paintings for the coming year before my own classes start back up this semester. Happy Painting!!!


  1. Glorious painting...thanks for posting this for all to's in the 20's here in Cincy...certainly not enjoy the sunshine while you can!

  2. I sat in the sun today with tanning lotion o n ;)
    It was awesome.

  3. Wow I love your blog and your art. We are in the middle of a winter storm with snow and ice in PA and your paintings sure made me feel warm!
