I've had some folks ask about my studio space where I do most of my paintings. Well, here it is! When you first walk in, I've got some comfy chairs and framed demo's of the paintings I offer classes on. As you look back, you can see my main easel with some of my wildlife paintings (at the beginning phases) hanging in the back. I also have a long table in front of some glass sliding doors for some of my smaller works. Great light is essential! As you may have noticed I have sheers over the windows to diffuse the natural light without weakening it. This is pretty much how it looks most days except I generally have my
palette and a wet canvas out. Staying organized helps me to be able to put my focus on my painting. If you're planning on painting fairly often (which I hope you do!!) find a spot that you can dedicate for your supplies. Give yourself some space to be creative!!!!
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