Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Great Class!

What a fun class this past Saturday!  Great job everyone!  We had some younger students this class and wow!  They picked this up so quick.  Nice work!  Next class is a super easy barn.  Happy Painting! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Congratulations Julie!

Congratulations Julie Brawley on winning Christine's contest!  I can't wait to have you come paint with us in class. 

This painting is done all with the Liquid Clear instead of the Liquid White.  Remember when using Liquid Clear to make sure you blot as much of the thinner out of  your brush as possible after cleaning it.  Liquid Clear and the odorless paint thinners/turpenoids, don't mix.  You'll get sort of the same effect as "crackling" medium.  Another way to prevent this is to make sure you have plenty of paint on your brush.  Happy Painting!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm giving away a free class!!!! below...

How can you win this free class?  Well just head over to my friend Christine's blog site.  She just happens to be the Coupon Queen  and her site is Your Strong Tower.  She does coupon & meal planning workships and is a financial counselor.  During the week she hooks her readers up with freebies.  This particular week, it's one of my classes.  Stop by and follow the instructions on how you can win.  Here's the link to her site: .  Happy Painting and Good luck!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What a fun class!!

What a fun class this past week!  Great job everyone on this complex seascape.  Can't wait till the next class!  Happy Painting!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Here's the painting for this Saturday!  Looks hard doesn't it!  LOL!  Well it's not!  Can't wait to paint this with everyone.  See ya then!  I hear at least one of you is practicing before we get to class....(you know who you are Christine!  LOL! )  I think that's great by the way!  Happy painting!